Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Mabel Normand

Mabel was know for being an actress and being a director. She worked under D.W. Griffith. Her career was effected by a scandal about a murder of a close friend.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Poor Training Video

This video is not very effective because this person doesn't even teach you how to set up the drums step by step. This guy forgot to show a step by step process in the making of the drum set. I've learned to be very thorough in the process of making an instructional video.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Silent Film in the Bay

Silent films in the Bay area really helped continue the genre of the Cowboy/Western movies and T.V shows. Like  The Great Train Robbery. (1903) Broncho Billy Anderson after this made his own westerns and acted in them and teamed up with George K. Spoor to for the S and A Film Manufacturing Company in Chicago.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

nickelodeon to movie theaters!

The first electric theater was in Los Angeles in 1902. Middle and Lower classes had only bought tickets to nickelodeons but the wealthy upper class had only gone to movie theaters. Movie theaters became to great because it was like a normal theater with hundreds of people in it at once except there was a projector on the screen. Many people started to like the theatrical aspect of the movies so they made more of them.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Instructional videos

The making of the pancake video was the worst one. There was way too much talking and the lady was kind of doing it wrong in the beginning. The how pringles are made video was the best one. There was a lot of clear and concise detail and you got to see it in action. Every other was in between. Heavy on entertainment and not so great with the step by step process.

Hollywood Then and Now

I think Hollywood lost most of its nature. There were lots of trees lost for businesses. This idea spread to new jersey and south carolina because people wanted money. People in power wanted to control everything so they set everything up in a way that lots of businesses, and roads to get to those businesses so that people would see them everywhere and be drawn to those businesses.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Poster timeline input

I likes : 
-The color and organization 
-the title 
-that you put a lot of time in doing it 
-totally gnur bro 
-the variety of movies 
-the god father bruh 
-I like 
-the unique
- how much effort you put 
-looks great 
-the pictures
-best poster
-extra effort 
-colors and stuff 
-the big pictures

I have :
-research timeline 
-The writing could be a little bigger 
-the information shorter 
-shorter poster 
-added more information 
-used good pictures 
-replace Bill Cosby with the taxi driver 

I wonder : 
-i wonder why star wars is not real; 
-took so much time on this 
-put famous directors 
-if you used paint 
-why you are so lucky 
-put important parts of film history 
-if Bill Cosby really did all that stuff . He probably did . 

Birth of A Nation: Review

Griffith used many things in this film to make it great. He had great organization with people and made large masses of individuals do things on camera to make seem more real and entertaining. He used his own orchestra soundtrack making this movies the first ever to even have a soundtrack. The white audience agreed with this movie. The african american audience had to deal with lots of discrimination already. But because of this movie, it helped make more laws of segregation.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Abandoned LA

I think this person was trying not exposing quickly to make LA look like its completely empty. I think they were trying to get the audience to see LA from a different perspective. Without people in the city. In class I've learned that if you don't expose quickly then you don't have them moving image.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The earliest films

The early films have things that modern films don't have. They carry something from a time that none of us lived in, so to us it seems like a different society when we get to see an early film. modern movies are different because we've already been filming for quite sometime, we kind of KNOW what to film. For an early film, its interesting because its like they are discovering WHAT to film.

Monday, December 1, 2014


He was a landscape and city photographer. His invention of the Zoopraxiscope really helped start the revolutions of motion pictures.