Friday, February 27, 2015

Rob Burnett

I wasn't here unfortunately. I wish I was but I had a bad stomach ache. But I'm sure it was a great skype call.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Furthering my education...

I honestly don't want to go to college. I just want to become an artist and a polyglot.
POLYGLOT: A person who speaks 5 or more languages
HYPER POLYGLOT: A person who speaks over 10 languages

I want to be a plolyglot because I know that language is directly tied into ones culture. And I understand certain words have a history to them. To understand ones culture, we need to be immersed in that culture. What better way to do that than to start learning a language. Where my artistry comes in is when I meet an artist of a different culture. At that point, even though I'm from a different place, that's one thing I know I can connect with that person.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Storyboearding and anamatics

I've learned NOTHING!

 But I do have things that I find interesting.
1. I love the PreViz thing where you get to put your storyboard into a 3d animated video so that you can see what it might look like on screen.

2. I also like the parts where you build your set design and use a small video camera to determine how you want your camera movements to look.

3. Finally, There is just regular story boarding for people to just visualize only one shot by shot scene for people to get an idea of what these scenes will look like.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Screenplays past due

I think my script is good so far. Unfortunately I haven't been able to turn it in on time due to some technical difficulties. Now that I've figured out how to finish it, I will be working on it until its completely finished.

Friday, February 13, 2015


Problems I've had with my screen play was, not being able to finish my screen play because I didn't have enough time, due to an absence. Other than time constraints, I'm having a problem structuring dialogue with action. Trouble being as visual with my action and writing it like an actual screen play rather than a book.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Getting started with your scirpt

I think coming up with a theme of my story is going to be the most difficult but the most fun. So ill try to work on that because, what is a story with no moral or lesson to it. Right?

Outline to Treatment

The outline doesn't need to be more than a couple of paragraphs. But you do need to know how the characters are going to be interacting with each other.

These are important because you need to be able to get straight to the point and understand your characters.

Monday, February 9, 2015

From outline to treatment

One: This helps you to have a beginning, middle and end.

Two: Go through each scene

These are important to keep you organized and not so repetitive.

Friday, February 6, 2015

John August on Non-Linear

Writing a story thats non-linear can keep the story interesting. It can also hide a boring plot. The outline should be linear. But the script is to be made in non linear. This is important for the creator to know how the linear version of the story and the actors to know the non linear way of it being told so that they can properly act out the story how the audience needs to see it.

Story Unit Review

I feel like I've relearned a lot during this unit. I used to write stories a lot when I was younger. I feel like I've learned a lot about the Hero's journey. Now when I watch a movie I feel like I can Identify them more easily without having any problems. The archetypes help me pin point more things about the hero's journey even in books or plays now even. The only thing I'm really more interested in is non-linear stories. I've been waiting to write one and still don't know quite how i'm going to do that.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

RASHOMON Screening

This film even though it was part of Japanese culture the concept of the story was from westerns. This film even showed parts of japan that had never been in movies. The Concept of not telling the truth even effected how the Japanese view this film.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Intro to Non-Linear Stories

The Amazing Spider man 2 Was like that. Even though it was a sequel, In the beginning of this movie they go back to the beginning of the first Amazing Spider Man. They did this to tell how Peter's parents die when he was a child. They told the story this way to make the viewer understand why Oscorp is so evil and is looking to get rid of Peter Parker.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Annie Hall

1. I loved the dialog in this film. It makes me laugh.

2. I liked how he looked at the camera and talked to the audience like an aside.

3. I really enjoyed the one part when annie got high and her sober self wanted to draw.

I liked the subjective shots and the parts when he looked at the camera to speak to the audience to let them know what he's thinking. I want to try doing some more stuff like that.